School Contact Info

Main Number: (970) 384-5959

Attendance Hotline: Adalicia Willits

(970) 384-5975

Health Aide: Mary Bahr

(970) 384- 5492

Snow Day Info: (970) 384-6075

Principal: Megan Hartmann

(970) 384-5952

Assistant Principal: Jesus Rios Vera

(970) 384-5951

Athletic Director: Jacob Ashworth

(970) 384-5957

Family Liaison: Noemi Santiago

(970) 384-5927


Basalt High School

600 Southside Dr

Basalt, CO 81621

See Staff Directory under About Us for other staff contact information.

BHS graduates
Our Mission

Every student will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, habits of mind and personal qualities to achieve success in the 21st century world and to create choices for his or her future.


Be RESPONSIBLE and place phone in the pockets, sit in their assigned seat, set their goals for the day

Be ENGAGED in completing academic assignments, studying for assessments, and achieving academic goals.

Be THOUGHTFUL in communicating with their teachers (not interrupting teachers in class).

Be VALUED by seeking support from Teachers and Teacher Assistants, and conferencing with their teachers during academic and attendance check-ins.