Learning Opportunities at BHS

There are seven periods in the BHS schedule. Students are considered full-time if they are enrolled in five or more classes. Every student is enrolled in Crew, which is an advisory class period that meets twice weekly.

Capstone Is an authentic project, product, or performance that allows for the exploration of a passion or curiosity and prepares students for further work or study. The learning and reflection required by a capstone are documented via journals, blog posts, or other artifacts, and, upon completion, are presented in a meaningful way. Advanced Placement Courses

  • Not all AP classes are offered every year
  • There is no limit on how many AP classes a student may take
  • AP classes that have been offered: Art History, Biology, Calculus AB, Computer Science Principles, Computer Science A, English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, Environmental Science, Human Geography, Macroeconomics, Physics, Psychology, Statistics, Spanish Language and Culture, US History, and World History.

Concurrent Enrollment • In conjunction with the University of Colorado (CU), BHS students can take Introduction to Political Studies and Politics of Sustainability. • Colorado Mountain College (CMC) offers concurrent enrollment classes at BHS.

  • CMC Classes that have been offered: College Algebra, College Trigonometry, Calculus 1, Quantitative Literacy, Algebraic Literacy, U.S. History, American Government, Outdoor Leadership, Chamber Choir, and Band.
  • BHS students can also take CMC classes on the CMC campus.

YouthEntity Career Academy • BHS students have the opportunity to enroll in the Youth Entity Career Academy

  • Programs of Study: Structure Design & The Building Industry (architecture, structural/civil engineering, rough carpentry, roofing, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, concrete, masonry, landscape architecture) and Culinary Arts & Hospitality Management (culinary arts, baking & pastry arts, restaurant management & business, hotels & lodging).

Hands-On Learning • While all classes at BHS offer interactive activities for students to "learn by doing," from science labs to filmmaking, there are a handful of classes that might be particularly ideal for students at BHS who thrive with hands-on learning, such as STEM, Design, Wood Shop, Teacher Internship, and Housing Construction.

College & Career Discovery • All juniors are encouraged to take the semester-long "Discovery" class

  • The class focuses on the college application process and timeline, the college essay, financial aid, and scholarships.
  • Our College & Career Counselor helps students explore post-secondary choices including 4-year, 2-year and technical colleges, work experience, or travel, and gap year opportunities.
  • One-quarter of the class is dedicated to SAT preparation, which will be co-taught with a math teacher and an English SAT tutor.
Extracurricular Opportunities

More than 50% of BHS students participate in extracurricular activities: service and special-interest clubs and/or athletics.

Service and special-interest clubs:  

  • Buddy Program
  • Book Club
  • Dreamers & Allies
  • Environmental Club
  • Gay-Straight Alliance
  • Key Club
  • Mountain Biking Club
  • National Honor Society
  • Rock Climbing Club
  • Spring Musical
  • STEM Club
  • Student Leadership
  • Student Mentors
  • Yearbook
  • Art Club
  • Girls Who Code