Basalt High School Booster Club Mission

The Club strives to promote the spirit of fellowship among parents, athletes, and coaches to strengthen our relationships between community and school. The parent participation, business and community support make possible the sports teams and athletic programs at Basalt High School.

The B.H.S. Booster Club exists to fund the athletic programs and may include other school activities at Basalt High School. These areas of sponsorship may consist of, but are not limited to golf, soccer, football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, track & field, cross country, softball, tennis, baseball, dance team, and cheerleaders. The Booster Club may also consider sponsorship of other athletic clubs within the school that may come before the membership for review. The Club may also host events such as the after prom party, fund spirit events and items, etc.  to benefit all  the students of Basalt High School. The B.H.S. Club may also raise funds to build, renovate, improve athletic fields or facilities as the need is demonstrated.

2024-25 Board Members

Kirk Schneider, President

David Hays, Vice President

Brandi Lindt, Treasurer

Heather Anthes, Secretary